
Monday, October 10, 2016

What Remains of This Day

My favorite novel is The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro. I could read this novel over and over. In fact, I'm reading it right now. I love the descriptions, the characters, the relationships between Stevens and Miss Kenton. It's a wonderful character study, but also a tragic romance, brought about by Steven's own hubris.

I used to read this book once a year, until a copy was lost in a move. I could have also let someone borrow it; I did this with a hardback copy of Old Man's War and it was never returned. I should stop lending my books out that I mind losing. But I think many readers are generous souls. They like to tell others, "Please read this book and tell me how much you loved it, just like I did."

I recommended The Remains of the Day for a book club selection many years ago. Not one person read the novel. Too boring. Couldn't get into it.

We watched the movie instead and the other members agreed it was great.

The book was better.

Any novels you love that your friends just can't get into?

1 comment:

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